
Questions fréquemment posées

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Team control App is a simple application that your virtual workforce installs on their machines to track time, activity levels, and take screenshots.

Workers can select a project, and Team control Appwill then track time and activity to that specific project, which becomes viewable in the web application.

When a user is running Team control App, randomized screenshots will be taken about every 10 minutes.

Team control App also calculates activity percentages to show how active your team is. Here’s how the activity levels are calculated:

  • Each second we label the user as active or inactive. A mouse movement or keyboard stroke = active. No keyboard and no mouse = inactive.
  • We add these numbers up and give a total % of activity for each 10 minute segment.
  • We track if the user went idle. Five minutes of inactivity triggers an inactive status. When the contractor becomes active again the desktop client gives the option of removing that time from their log because they were idle

No, Team Control App does not store individual keystrokes. We simply store whether any key was pressed, and assign a value (true or false). We do not store which key was pressed.

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  • Praesent nonummy mi in odio. Curabitur vestibulum aliquam leo.
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